Sunday, 28 October 2007

28 october- Ian and I went with Greg, an archaeology PhD student to Avebury, a town that is surrounded by neolithic sites. The first place we visite was Silbury Hill, a neolithic man-made hill that had recently been under excavation due to some tunnel collapses from previous excavations (1968-9) which caused a hole to open in the top of the hill. We were lucky enough to get a tour of the inside of the hill before it is backfilled and closed in two weeks. After visiting Silbury hill we walked about a mile to the West Kennet Long Barrow, a hillock like mound where human bones were kept. Then we drove to Avebury a town built among a neolitihic stone henge (a circle of stone surrounded by a deep ditch). After exploring the stones we walked to Windmill hil, another neolithic site, possibly a meeting palce where man made mounds have been put ontop of a hill, there is also a bronze age hill mound. We got caught in a downpour while on Windmill hill and were completely soaked for the ride home.

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